12 Couples Ties Knot at Mass Wedding Organised by All India KMCC
All India KMCC Bangalore Central Committee organised a mass wedding enabling 12 girls from financially backward community. The function was attended by various people from political, religious and socail fields.
All India KMCC Bangalore Central Committee organised a mass wedding enabling 12 girls from financially backward community. The function was attended by various people from political, religious and socail fields.Former Union Minister of State and MLA Ramalinga Reddy inaugurated the function.
The financial support for the wedding was given by Safari Group MD Sainul Abideen and former MLA Parakkal Abdulla. KMCC has organised mass wedding at four places including Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu enabling 300 girls to find their life partners.
AIKMCC Bangalore president president presided. General secretary M K Noushad welcomed the gathering and M A Ameerali proposed vote of thanks. The wedding was led by City Juma Masjid Chief Imam Moulana Maksood Imran Rashadini.
Former Union Minister C A Ibrahim, Soumya Reddy, MLA, social worker and legal representative from UAE Salam Pappinisseri, Muslim League National Secretary Siraj Ibrahim Sait, social worker Firos Kunnamparambil, Hameed Narikkoli, Adiyottil Ammed, Kakkat Pokker, Riyas Nacholi, Ali Edavathu Kandi, Mujeeb Kakkat and Sidhapura S I Rajaram participated.